Critical Flaws in Binance and Other Crypto Exchanges

For most of 2022, financial news has been filled with stories about big losses across all asset classes. But one of the biggest losers has been cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. This has led to many investors reconsidering their allocations to cryptocurrency. I don’t recommend cryptocurrencies as an investment for any of my clients, but the topic does come up occasionally. But let’s set aside any recommendation I have about cryptocurrencies themselves. I’d like to bring up a recommendation I have about the various methods of cryptocurrency investing. In short, I strongly recommend against using an online exchange such as Binance to invest in cryptocurrencies.

an example of a mobile investing platform like Binance
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Direct Indexing in Luther Wealth’s Future

In the great divide between active and passive investing strategies, Luther Wealth is definitely in the passive camp. All of my clients are fully invested in low cost mutual funds and ETFs. I use a proprietary asset allocation algorithm, but the securities themselves are just vanilla index funds. But lately I have been considering altering this ETF strategy for certain clients. Not in favor of an active strategy, but rather in favor of a different passive style known as direct indexing.

direct indexing can be implemented in the interactive brokers platform
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RMDs: Required Minimum Distributions

Do you have money invested in a retirement account? If so, you may be responsible for taking Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) every year to avoid IRS penalties. Unfortunately, the IRS guidance on the topic is quite confusing. I have attempted to assemble my own RMD notes into a helpful flowchart for determining if you are subject to RMDs. Please keep in mind that I am not a tax adviser or accountant. This is not tax advice. You are ultimately responsible for correctly calculating your RMD.

Why does the IRS require distributions?

Most retirement accounts confer some type of tax advantage. The federal government designed them to help individuals save for retirement. The government didn’t design them to establish multi-generational tax shelters. So, in most cases, when a retirement account holder reaches a certain age, or passes away, the IRS requires the account to start gradually liquidating.

Flowchart of RMD calculations
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Seven Layers of Investor Protection at Luther Wealth

Investor protection is probably the #1 thing I spend time thinking about at Luther Wealth. As an independent financial adviser, it can be tough for a prospective client to trust that I will safeguard their savings. Although I’m constantly looking to improve, I am very proud of the level of security I can offer my clients.

  • Diversification
  • Liquidity
  • Separating Custody from Advisory Services
  • Financial Health of My Custodian Brokerage
  • Segregation of Client Assets
  • SIPC
  • Insurance in Excess of SIPC Coverage
purple bank vault door
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Please Don’t Buy Penny Stocks

I can’t think of a worse investment than penny stocks. Maybe a Ponzi Scheme is worse? Debatable.

Penny stocks seem to be gaining popularity as a water cooler investment. They are esoteric. They seem to require a lot of research. Similar to cannabis stocks, crypto, and Gamestop, they are fun to talk about.

Piggy banks with spilled pennies
Putting pennies in cute piggy banks. A way better investment than penny stocks.
Continue reading “Please Don’t Buy Penny Stocks”

Launching Indie Adviser Next Week

I have been using a self-developed web app called Indie Adviser for the past year to help with my work as an independent financial adviser. Next week, I’m planning to open it up publicly in a limited demo / beta test. Here’s the demo video– check it out and let me know what you think!

Here’s an example of the portfolio optimizer in action:

A graph of an efficient frontier and its constituent assets.
The Indie Adviser portfolio optimizer can build portfolios of diversified assets to minimize expected risk and maximize expected returns.
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